

Bailgate Methodist Church
Bracebridge Heath Methodist Church - Heath Partnership
Burton Road Methodist Church
Central Methodist Church
Cherry Willingham Methodist Church
Monks Road Methodist Church
Moorland Park Methodist Church
Navenby Methodist Church
Nettleham Methodist Church - Scothern Methodist Church
North Hykeham Methodist Church
Reepham Methodist Church
Skellingthorpe Methodist Church
St Columba (LEP)
St Giles Methodist Church
Swallowbeck Methodist Church
Washingborough Methodist Church
Welton and Dunholme Methodist Church - Ingham Cafe Church

Bailgate Methodist Church.

Revd Juliet Wriglesworth

Church Safeguarding Officer:
Christine Wilkinson 01522 543024

Located in the Cathedral Quarter of Lincoln, Bailgate Methodist Church is a growing, family-friendly and busy church.

There is a Sunday service at 10.30am (during which our children enjoy their own supervised church) and the occasional evening service at 6pm.

We are hoping to re-open our café, ‘The Well’, which will serve our community and visitors to our historic City Centre with free refreshments and practical help where possible, and to ‘be Jesus’ to those who come in.

We run Bible Study groups throughout the northern part of the city, and our weekly programme encompasses our uniformed scout and guide groups, parent and toddlers and a luncheon club.

For more details contact our Centre Manager:
01522 542423/532828

Sunday Services:
10:30am - Morning worship with Sunday School
6:00pm - Evening Service (occasionally)


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Bracebridge Heath Methodist Church

Heath Partnership

Worship formally ceased on August 31st 2019

Further Details:

The hall & church are available to book, to find out more about hiring the church building, please contact the Circuit Administrator 01522 525494.

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Burton Road Methodist Church.

Revd Juliet Wriglesworth

Church Safeguarding Officer:
Mary Brown 01522 525667

Located near a local primary school, Burton Road Methodist Church is at the heart of the local community, the Sunday service is at 10:30am and reflects all ages. There are many different groups that meet and use the building.  We offer a welcome smile along with great coffee to enjoy after each service.

Sunday Services: 
10:30am Sunday Service


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Central Methodist Church.

Revd Margaret Doughty

Minister in pastoral charge:
Revd Alan Swann

Church Safeguarding Contact:
Val Pilkington 01522 806013

A church situated right on the High Street of Lincoln. Central’s mission is to be visible signs of the Kingdom of God by being available for ALL people. For this they utilise their people, their premises and their position. They express their faith using their strengths of friendship and hospitality, of Christian nurture and pastoral care and of the Arts and Music.

Sunday Services:
10.30am Sunday Service

Regular Church Activities:

Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Occasional Sunday’s Evening Worship 4:30pm
Monday – 2nd of the month Luncheon Club 12pm
Tuesday – 3rd of the month Worship at Monson House 2pm
Wednesday – 1st of the month Coffee Fellowship 10am
Wednesday – 1st of the month Circle Dancing 2pm
Wednesday – 2nd of the month Craft Fellowship 1:30pm
Wednesday – 4th of the month Bible Fellowship 1:30pm
Thursday Coffee morning and Foodbank 10:30am

Further Details:

To find out more about Central Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, please head over to our contact us page.

Church - 01522 697177
Foodbank - 01522 542166 
Community grocery - 01522 265511

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Cherry Willingham Methodist Church.

sm Cherry WillinghamMinister:
Revd Jennifer Matthews 

Meets at the Church Hall each Sunday at 10.30am for worship. There are a variety of other week day activities which take place either in homes or community spaces.

Sunday Service:
10:30am in the Church Hall

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Monks Road Methodist Church.

Minister in Pastoral Charge:
Revd Jennifer Matthews

Revd Dr Terry Nowell 

Church Contact:
Lorraine Osgodby 01522 537008

Worship Leader:
Irene Nowell 01522 754254
Jonathan Nowell  01522 569861

Church Safeguarding Officer:
Rachel Cason

A growing congregation, currently exploring its mission in a needy area of Lincoln. Sunday worship includes a mixture of contemporary and traditional songs led by our worship leader.

There is a weekly prayer meeting, Young Spirits each Sunday at 9.30am and monthly men’s and women’s fellowships as well as other social and church events which happen throughout the year.

Our homework club is being launched in the autumn.

Sunday Service:
10:30am Sunday Worship - cafe church (monthly on last Sunday)


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Moorland Park Methodist Church.

Revd David Lawton

Worship Leader:
Elaine Lester 01522 856919

Our Mission statement – A church uplifted in Worship, Growing in Faith, Reaching out in Love and Rooted in the Word of God.

Sunday Services:
10.30am Sunday Service

Other activities:

Tuesday Thrift Shop 9.30 am to 12.30 pm (term time)

Coffee & Conversation 10.00 am to 12:30 pm

Food Bank Distribution 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm

Wednesday Girls Brigade from 6.00 pm (term time)
Thursday Food Bank Distribution 10.00 am to 12 noon

Further Details:

To find out more about Moorland Park Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the building, please head over to our website.


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Navenby Methodist Church.

Revd David Lawton

We aim to live our lives through worship, prayer and example, developing our discipleship and inviting others to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

In all our being and doing, to be open to the leading of God through the Holy Spirit, that we might fulfil God’s purposes in Navenby and surrounding villages.

Sunday Services:
10am Morning Worship

Regular Church Activities:

Day Activity Time
Sunday Morning service 10-11am
Tuesday Toddler Group 10.30-11.30 (term time)
Tuesday Bible Study 10-12
Tuesday Bible Study 7.30-9.30
Thursday Friendship Club 2-4.30 (monthly)
Thursday Women’s Institute 7.30-9.30 (monthly)
Friday Youth Group 7-9
Saturday Coffee Morning 10.30-12 (last week)
Saturday Story keepers KS 1&2 2-4 (2nd week)

More Information:

To find out more about Navenby Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, email


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Nettleham Methodist Church.

Revd Alan Swann

Nettleham is just north east of the city and has a worshipping community of around 100. Nettleham is a cell church and has a lively vibrant community with many opportunities for fellowship, service and worship. Sunday worship is at 10.30am

Sunday Service:
10:30am Service


Check out the NMC Newsletters:

Scothern Methodist Church:

sm Scothern

During 2022 Scothern Methodist Church undertook a time of prayer and discernment, the result of which saw them closing as a society. In September 2022 they will become a class of Nettleham Methodist Church and their church building will remain open for services and missional outreach.

Bible Studies and open ‘coffee and chat’ take place monthly.

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North Hykeham Methodist Church.

Revd Canon Alan Robson - 01522 681655 | 07542 272049

Church Contact:
Barbara Abbott 01522 680339

Worship Leader:
Heather Burnet 01522 681184

A gathered church located in the community of North Hykeham. The majority of the attendees are older faithful folk who will welcome you. It is predominantly traditional Methodist worship with Methodist Local Preachers leading and the Minister, circa once a month for Holy Communion. There is a babble of friendliness before and after worship and hearty singing during- accompanied mainly by electronic organ.

Enquiries about the Baptism of your ‘little’ one is always welcome! Wedding enquires for all couples are very welcome. If you lose a loved one who does not have any connection with church or faith, you too, can call the Minister and they will try and support you in your most difficult moment of sadness and grief and shape a service that befits your unique loved one and shaped by you -for all are loved and lovable!

Church Activities:

Sunday Morning Worship 10:45am
Tuesday All Saints Woman’s Fellowship 7.30pm-Monthly
Wednesday Guides 7pm weekly in term time
Friday Rainbows 6.30

To find out more about North Hykeham Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, email


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Reepham Methodist Church.

Revd Jennifer Matthews

Church Contact:

Worship Leader:
Richard Wills
Babs Jones

We are a small, welcoming, friendly church with 18 members and about 25 on our community roll.  Our current Sunday attendance is between 10 and 15 but others participate in a range of activities.

We have coffee mornings on a Saturday morning once a month.  For older members of our community, we have Fun Friday at least once a month and occasional “Holidays at Home”.  Church folk have Discoverers (Bible Study group) and a Ladies group.

We have recently refurbished our worship area and equipped it with the latest audio-visual equipment.  This is used by the church and community groups for various activities beyond Sunday worship.

Sunday Service:
10:00am Sunday Worship (except 2nd Sunday)
4:00pm Alternative Worship (2nd Sunday)

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Skellingthorpe Methodist Church.

Revd David Lawton

Church Contact:
Pat Bishop - 01522 690001

The church is situated in the centre of the village (opposite the Co-op and the Plough Inn car park) and currently worship services are held every fortnight, either at 10:30am or 3pm. Worship styles vary so please see the circuit preaching plan for details.

Regular Church Activities:

Coffee Morning 1st Saturday of the month 10am – 12pm
Craft Group 1st Tuesday of the month 2:15pm – 3:45pm
Craft 4 Charity 3rd Tuesday of the month 2:15pm – 3:45pm (October – June)

We are a welcoming church and are happy to answer any queries you may  have.

More information:

To find out more about Skellingthorpe Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, please contact the church contact above.

Check Us Out on Facebook

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St Columba – Local Ecumenical


Revd Canon Alan Robson - 01522 681655 | 07542 272049

A Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Methodist church and United Reformed Church. St Columba’s is a welcoming church and always happy to welcome new members to their services and community events. Get in touch for more information or to sign up for the next community lunch.

Regular Church Activities:

Day Activity Time
Sunday Morning Worship 11am
Saturday Luncheon Club 12:30pm (2 per month)

More Information:

To find out more about St Columba’s Ecumenical Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, email

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St Giles Methodist Church.

sm St Giles
Revd Juliet Wriglesworth

Church Contact:
Peter Sherlock 01522 888693

Worship Leader:
Cay Sherlock 01522 888693

St. Giles chapel is placed on the St Giles estate in the North of the city. There are many activities for all ages and worship on a Sunday at 10.30am. St. Giles is a busy church with lots of community involvement.

Sunday Service:
10:30am Sunday Worship

Check Us Out on Facebook

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Swallowbeck Methodist Church.

Rev Canon Alan Robson - 01522 681655 | 07542 272049

We are a welcoming, gathered church in the south of the City of Lincoln. At the end of Doddington Road off Newark Road. Methodist Local Preachers conduct much of the weekly worship with the Minister circa once a month sharing on most  of those occasions Holy Communion. The worship is mainly traditional with hymn singing, prayers and reflection- we often feel a sense of belonging and fellowship as we explore what the teachings of the Christ means for us today. Our Minister is also the Lincolnshire Agricultural Chaplain. We are not a ‘youthful’ congregation but we are definitely a thoughtful congregation and have a spirit and a desire to care for one another. We often hear of and directly support local, national and international appeals and members are involved with community charitable projects and desire to live out faith in action  exploring personal understandings of their faith by serving  outside of the church in daily living.

We very much welcome any enquiries about the Baptism of your ‘little’ one! Wedding enquires for all couples are also very welcome including those who are same sex.

If you lose a loved one of any age, who may not have any connection with church or have no expressed faith at all, you too can call the Minister and they will try and support you in your most difficult moment of sadness ,grief and gladly help in creating a funeral service that befits your unique loved one to  honestly celebrate and gives thanks for the one you have loved -for all  deserve dignity and respect!

Regular Church Activities:

Sunday – Service at 10.30a.m.
Monday – Bible Study at 7.30p.m. via zoom
Wednesday – Lunch Club at 12.00 noon (2nd Wednesday monthly)

More Information:

To find out more about Swallowbeck Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, email


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Washingborough Methodist Church.

Revd Jennifer Matthews

Worship Leader:
Dr Philip Davies 01522 794856

Sheila Wright 01522 791482

Situated in the community of Washingborough, to the South East of Lincoln City, we are a lively and welcoming church.

Regular Church Activities:

Day Activity Time
Sunday Church Service 10.30am
Monday Bible Study 2-4pm
Tuesday Coffee Shop 10-1
Tuesday Ladies Circle tbc (monthly)
Wednesday Parent and Toddler Group 9:15-11:15
Wednesday Fellowship 7.30-9.30pm (2nd + 4th week)
Thursday Prayer meeting tbc (3rd week)
Thursday Blokes Who Sing 7.30-9.30
Saturday Coffee Morning 10-12

To find out more about Washingborough Methodist Church, or to enquire about hiring the church building, please head over to our  website:


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Welton and Dunholme Methodist Church.

Revd Alan Swann

Church Contact:
Elaine Johnson 01673 860252

Worship Leader:
Elaine Johnson 01673 860252
Peter McCree 01673 860998
David Wilson 01673 861461

Welton and Dunholme are neighbouring villages north of the cathedral city of Lincoln, with a joint population of 8690.  Although mainly a retired congregation with a membership of 40, plus other regular attenders, the church is thriving and welcoming. Our mission is: “To show our local community and the wider world the love of Jesus Christ in everyday lives”.

There are 3 worship leaders, a worship music group, two house groups, regular prayer meetings, Ladies’ Fellowship, a men’s group and a monthly men’s breakfast. Twice weekly coffee mornings attracting 20 – 30 people are a valued community facility.  Several other community activities also use the hall. The senior steward and minister regularly meet the Anglican ministry and Threshhold (a local independent church) and plan ecumenical events.

Our vision for the future includes re-starting youth work alongside Threshhold and reaching out to the community in the new housing estates under construction.


Church activity

Monday House group 1: 1st and 3rd, 7.00pm
Tuesday Table tennis, weekly, 7.00pm
Wednesday Coffee morning weekly, 10-11.30am.

House group 2: 2nd and 4th, 7.45pm.

Thursday Film Club: 1st Thursday, October – May, 2.00pm

Ladies Fellowship: 2nd Thursday, 2.00pm

Men’s group ‘Tremendoes’: last Thursday

Saturday Coffee morning weekly, 10-11.30am;

Coffee and prayer: 2nd and 4th, 11.00am

Men’s breakfast: 3rd Saturday, 8.45am

Sunday Service, weekly, 10.30am

For further details email:

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