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Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the Lincoln Methodist Circuit of the Lincolnshire District. Our Circuit consists of 18 Churches in various contexts, from rural to city. Our churches run from Welton in the north to Navenby in the south, Skellingthorpe in the west to Reepham in the east. Our people aim to live out their faith, seeking to live to the values of the circuit with love at the heart of everything we are. Our values are honesty, openness, trust, integrity, respect, commitment, creativity, resourcefulness, and responsiveness.

Our vision is to, ’Respond to Jesus’s message of God’s love and to live out our discipleship in worship and mission.’ We aim to do this using the Methodist Way of Life. This has four areas of church life, Worship, Service, Learning and caring and Evangelism. We seek make the Jesus story relevant to the 21st century.

We aim not only to facilitate quality worship but long to see lives lived out in faith and service.  We are involved in many activities across our circuit and are more than willing to join with other churches and organisations in our activities. Each church has its own unique flavour and opportunities to serve its local neighbourhood and beyond.

Every blessing,

Revd Alan W Swann
Superintendent Minister

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