Category Archives: Resources

Welcome to the Resources section of the website.
Please click on one of the categories below to access the relevant files.

Circuit Services Weekly Live Stream:

Our Circuit is live streaming 2 weekly services, Worship on Wednesday at 7pm and a Sunday morning Service at 10.30am  You do not need a facebook account to watch live or catch up with previous services.


Service Copyright FAQs – Do’s & Don’ts:

Updated 14th April 2021 (marked with NEW)

We have received a few enquiries regarding showing of films, YouTube clips, certain songs not in the CCLI system.

NEW  – For content of BBC material, permission is required, link to form’tand follow the buttons


  • Bible Society – Permission is granted to download or show videos from either the Bible Society website or its youtube material, the website videos are downloadable.
  • British Sign Language Videos, available to download and use, terms
  • CJM Music – have given permission to stream content from their YoutTube channel CJM Music
  • Christmas Carol Videos, Engage Worship offer some free to use Christmas Carols
  • Elevation Worship have given permision to use our YouTube videos within your church services at your Methodist Churches.  However, if you live stream, post to Social Media at all or post online, you will need a license for that use
  • Hillsong – All Hillsong resource is created with the express purpose of enhancing worship. Therefore, as long as you are not reproducing or broadcasting the resource or charging admission, you can use any Hillsong resource before, during and after your worship service. This includes all CD’s, Split Tracks, DVDs and YouTube clips.
  • IONA Community – A question was raised that these songs are not covered by the CCLI, these are now covered by CCLI, information below, as there are some exceptions, e.g. electronic use:
    I have emailed for such permission of electronic use, e.g. projection,
  • iTunes – Permission is granted to use media downloaded form iTunes from personal accounts in Church, both music and videos.
  • The Great Commission – Permission is granted for Churches and groups to use the videos on the website
  • Moving Works – Moving Works is a non-profit organization that makes short films to tell the world about Jesus. This is why we humbly dedicate ourselves to prayer, partnership with the Body of Christ, and obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading in our ministry.
  • VEVO – Permission is granted to stream media only, they cannot be edited or monitized.
  • We Are Worship – Permission is granted to stream videos for use in services, as long as they are reported under the CCLI licence.  However, permisison is not granted to copy, embed or store them in any way. We Are Worship Video’s
  • Working Preacher – Permission to use videos and all materials, MUST give corresponding credit when used.
  • Worship House Media  – You may use the Content in virtually any kind of corporate setting: church services, conferences, Bible studies, multimedia presentations, film and video presentations, commercials, etc.


  • CCLI – YouTube clips are not allowed to be shown, unless the copyright holders permission is obtained.
  • YouTube – having contacted YouTube directly: the copyright holders permission is required for video clips to be shown.  Videos are not permitted to be downloaded (Section 5L) as per their Terms of Service.
  • Godtube – Godtube clips are also not allowed to be shown. Terms of Service & Specific reference.

Other Items of note.

  • Taize – the organisation has been emailed to ask for obtain permission to use Taize songs/materials for use in Church, Circuit (& Godpod) permission for Taize songs usage has been saught- we are awaiting a repsonse.
    if hosting a Taize Service please refrain from using ‘Taize Themed’ but simply call it a ‘Taize Service’
  • FILMS –  CCLI, Advertising of films being shown, the position is that the name of the film cannot be advertised outside of the Church or on social media or a website, but it can be on handouts. that are a personal invite.  Posters advertising the film can be shown inside Church but must not be visible from the outside. For more info on licencing requirements see
  • Licence Info – Information on the type of licences required –
  • Screenvue –
  • CCLI have issued a fact sheet for YouTube questions, it re-enforces the information stated below. INFO
  • Also you have to report your usage to CCLI as part of the agreement

Holy Week Services 2023:

We are live streaming each evening during Holy Week each night at 7pm, no service Sat and Easter Sunday at 10.25am

The link is HERE There is no need for a Facebook account, if prompted, click on ignore.

Live Stream


Do you feel unsafe? Are you being hurt? Do you need advice about an urgent situation? Emergency Services 999/101 Adult Social Care 01522 782155 Childline 0800 1111 District Safeguarding Officer Howard Smedley CONTACT

Marriage & Relationships Resources:

Letter from CLT – MR Circuit Letter – Dec 2019

Please find 2 documents in relation to the Marriage & Relationships Report

The Marriage and Relationships Task Group presented a report to the 2019 Conference with recommendations about various issues to do with relationships in general and marriage in particular. Those recommendations will be submitted to the wider Church for consultation during 2019-2020, with a final decision being made at the July 2020 Conference.

The report was extensively discussed, and the Conference made amendments to some of the resolutions which were presented by the Task Group, and therefore some of the resolutions which are now presented to the Synods as provisional resolutions are different from those described in section 5 of the report. However, resolution 10/1 directed that the report be commended for study and prayerful discussion, and the full report is therefore reproduced here in the form in which it was presented to the Conference.

The Methodist Church has not fully reflected on the theology of marriage and relationships since 1992 although work has been carried out by several Task Groups since then. The Marriage and Relationships Task Group set up in 2014 identified the need for an update and to revisit the ‘definition’ of marriage and the current Task Group (set up in 2016) have been looking at this. The 2018 Conference directed that, instead of a statement, the Task Group should bring a report on these matters which could include any proposed changes to Standing Orders, were the definition of marriage to change.”


Grant Applications From Circuit Funds:

Following approval at Circuit Meetings, there are 2 processes for applying for grants from Circuit funds, these are property related non property related.

The flow charts show the process to be followed in the process to apply for grants and getting permission for property related projects.

Guidelines for Applications v3 (1)



Data Collection – Circuit Directory:

Circuit Directory – Collection of Office Holders Data

The circuit is compiling a Directory of Circuit and Church Office Holders, contact details are requested for the following Church Office holders:

  • Senior Church Steward
  • Church Contact (where not the Senior Church Steward)
  • Church Secretary
  • Senior Property Steward
  • Church Treasurer
  • Church Bookings Secretary
  • Organist or Music Contact
  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Children/Youth People’s Leader
  • Pastoral Co-ordinator

Letter Ref Data Collection

Data Collection Form – Preferred Method

Data Collection Form – PDF

Data Collection Form – Word



Circuit Mission Grant Application:

Following approval at the Circuit Meeting of a Circuit Mission Fund, there is now a process to follow to apply for grant funding from Circuit reserves.


Singing The Faith Plus:

A useful resource for worship, a wealth of ideas following the lectionary.



Circuit safeguarding policy: The Lincoln Circuit Safeguarding Policy 2017 This policy was agreed at the Circuit meeting held on 21st September 2017.

District Safeguarding Statement HERE

District Safeguarding Resources and policies HERE
